Client: Gascoigne Neighbourhood
Budget: £13,000
Date: 2013 - ongoing
Green Dreams were commissioned by Gascoigne Neighbourhood Association to work with residents to create a vision and master plan for the estate. Key aspirations were to create a more pedestrian-friendly, greener more sociable space.
An initial walk about and conversations at the summer party started to generate a brief. The final proposals were shown as part of an Apple Day event in October, themed around the historic uses of the site as apple orchards. A sketch master plan, images and suggestions were presented as part of Apple Day. To give people a chance to experience a more pedestrian friendly space, straw bales, pergolas and bamboo in planters were used to create temporary car free areas as well as the Sweet Apple Cafe on a section of under-used pedestrian deck. Many people remarked on how much more spacious and open the estate felt with this extended pedestrian area.
The final document has enabled the community to secure a total of £362,000 S106 funding for upgrading the surrounding street scape and creating a new pocket park for the area and has generated more coordinated conversations between the four social landlords who manage the estate. The final document can be found here.